07 April 2011

{6april2011: Wordless Wednesday}

Beers (captured on camera) for Ziggy edition:


  1. that is one good lookin' dane!! :o) i have a harlequin female named Annabelle & I'm sure she would be very impressed by him :)

  2. A booze hound huh?


  3. Hei Darwin,
    you started drinking when you were very small eh? You could still be kept on your human's knee... this means you were around three or four months old not older, correct?
    Joking of course, but do you really like beer?
    My humans tried to see if I liked it, but I do not... not even sparkling wine.... all the bubbles... not interested... and that is weird, because I seem to like EVERYTHING that humans have on their table, only if it comes from their table!!!!
    Ciao Lucille
    PS: still have not seen your dogya positions ;)

  4. Darwin! We got your package today! Woo hoo! Momma says it has lots of great stuff in it but she won't let me look until the weekend when we have more time to enjoy and get the flashy. Thanks so much.


  5. I love the roundup! I think Miss M's 1st owner used to actually feed her beer. She always appears if we have beer or wine, and the other day I was drinking a root beer and she was so interested, but when I let her smell it she just got angry and gave me stink-eye.

  6. Somebody knows a good thing when they taste it!

  7. I can think of lots of scary things but a full grown drunken Great Dane is right up there on the list! lol


  8. beer beer beer ! Good Girl Darwin !

  9. Ha roo roo roo! Darwin, are you really old enough to have a beer?!!?
    Play bows,

  10. lol! darwin loves beer!
    ollie had a sip of wine (by accident) and threw up the next day. i don't think it was related, but i always give keri grief for letting ollie have wine and giving him a hangover.

  11. Hmmm. My hoomans never have beers but my Uncle does and I likes to lick his bottles when I visit him...

    woof- Tucker

  12. Darwin! I never realised you were such an alcoholic!! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane

  13. Darwin, does beer taste good? My parents haven't let me try that yet, but maybe they will if I am show them this. Looks good, especially for here because it is always so hot. If I ever save enough money to rent out Richard Branson's island we should get us and our other dog friends a keg! That would be some party!

  14. Darwin,
    I was showing your pics around when I realised the great necklace you were wearing in the last picture!!! eh eh eh!! I like it!!!
    Ciao Lucille

  15. Here the challenge is Natasha. If the hu-dad does not protect his beer, she would drink it.
