I always find it hard being away from Darwin, even for the weekend. But there were a lot of other things to keep us distracted.
Things like:
In-n-out burgers animal style (that's Charlotte the chickpea in the background)
My cousin's dogs Kava and Pele. (Remember how small they were!) That's Kava giving me love.
One morning we woke up and the sidewalks outside the hotel were covered with these snails.
My uncle took Jason and I wine tasting at a couple wineries and this was the shop dog. So cute!
The winery also had peacocks! They said they had about 80 and it was mating season so they'd probably get 20 or so more babies. You could buy a bag of food and feed the peacocks. They said there were a few birds that would actually eat out of your hand... I didn't run into any.