Darwin's category is up! In fact her category was so big it got broken up into boys and bitches categories. Ok, it's actually boys and girls, but if it was a bitch category Darwin would surely win! :)
There are some tough competitors out there like, Sugar Sweet whom we've never visited before but her little write up is IMPRESSIVE! And there's the most talented Honey... with her in the competition no one stands a chance! And there's another girl we've never visited before, Joyce who could give Darwin a run for her money in the paper shredding business.
The boys are up too! Our Dane friends Tucker and Waldo are competing... such tough choices!
What fun! Go make your votes today...
Hi Darwin-- you are gorgeous! And, a worthy competitor for the Hardest Working Bitch (oops, Girl) group! I look forward to reading more about your exploits. There are a lot of fantastic working dogs nominated this year, including you. Good luck in the competition!
(and her crazy lady)
Hey Darwin,
ReplyDeleteI know your birthday is sometime around now. Mom sent out a little giftie to you. I picked out something I thought a girl would like, and then something I really wanted, but mom said I already had 2. Hope you like it.
GOod luck! You deserve it!
ReplyDeleteHi Darwin....I wish you the best of luck in the competition. You are a winner in my book. :)
Hi Darwin! you look so great in the ring! good luck!
wild dingo
Hi Darwin,
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog.
I didn't know great danes came in blue! Cool.
I am going to rush over to MangoMinster now to see if I can still get a vote in for you in the girl category.
Good Luck.
Licks and slobbers,
ReplyDeleteDon't you think they should have had a teenager category? That would've been cool cause us and Murphy couldv'e been in it. I was also hoping for a goof-ball category, but there is always next year...
Good luck!
woof - Tucker