09 December 2009

{27-29nov2009: Thanksgiving weekend part 3}

Day two of our adventure we went snowshoeing!  There were a ton of different trails to explore, but the boys wanted to check out possible snowboarding locations, so we went with the advice of the guys working at the camp and set off to snowshoe up a side of the mountain.  Exhausting but beautiful!

Darwin and Friday were both so excited to climb up with us, and it was hilarious watching them sink into the snow (or "postholeing" as BB taught us). 

After a couple hours of snowshoeing we were back at the cabin, warming up by the fire and keeping watch over Friday who over did it in the snow.

Poor Friday, she was so worn out and sore from exerting herself she barely moved all night.

Sunday morning we had some time before we needed to leave so we decided we'd do a little more snowshoeing, but on an easier trail.  
Darwin was ready to go, but Friday was still a little sore from the activities the day before.

When we started snowshoeing though, Friday was ready to lead the way!

After a while we were concerned about Friday overdoing it again so we headed back down to camp.


  1. Some great picts! It's always good to see puppies out playing in the snow!

  2. Those are such beautiful pictures!!

  3. just gorgeous!!! that is our kind of day! we love seeing Darwin on the bunk!

  4. Breathtaking... Literally I am guessing! That does look like hard work but lots of fun too!

  5. wonderful! making me all homesick and aching for the grand Norwegian mountains... I am now living in the very flat Denmark..
