18 November 2009

{17nov2009: daycare adventures continue}

It's Tuesday, which means another day of daycare for Darwin.  Today I went prepared, loaded with her favorite treats to lure her out of the car (didn't really work).  I parked down the block from the daycare, but she could still hear some barking and was hesitant to get out.  I finally got her out and she seemed excited and willing to walk to daycare and even into the building.  It took a little coaxing with treats to get her to go to the play area, but she did it after only a minute.  Today's drop off took half the time as last week.  Success!  Sort of.
I refrained from being the crazy overly concerned mom and didn't call at lunch time today.  But I did rush out after work to pick her up.  She was in a kennel again when I got there... anxiety when other dogs started leaving... again so they wanted to calm her down by kenneling her.  
So step forward in the morning... step back at the end of the day.  But it's some progress!  


  1. Glad it was a bit better this time but it is quite puzzling! Any thoughts on why other dogs leaving stresses her out. Do they explain the specifics of stressed?is she barking, crying, pacing? When other dogs get picked up presumably they are leashed and led out by staff who she knows and is comfortable with. I wonder if those dogs are reluctant to go and she picks up on that. So perplexing! Not sure why I am asking these questions because I don't know her and would not know what the answers mean, just what crosses my mind! Poor girl! I hope she gets over it so she can enjoy day care!

  2. I can so relate to this thinking of my kids first time in kindergarten.. their eyes filled with " how can you leave me here when all I want is to be with you?!!"... good it went a bit better though..

  3. Well, Darwin might not like daycare. You might want to set boundaries like if she doesn't like it more after a month then she won't go. I thought daycare was kind of scary myself what with all those little dogs jumping on me.


  4. Keep at it love... you'd think the staff would be more informative...Id read up on what you can on seperation anxiety see if you can find some tips...

  5. Yay! Sounds like Darwin is making progress! Baby steps, baby steps...
