01 October 2009

{42 days old}

Before we had plans on getting a dog, we had plans to go to Whislter.  So while we were gone, Darwin got to go and spend the weekend with her doggy mom and dad and some brothers and sisters.

How fun this must've been to have all these puppies playing in the grass.  Imagine if you were driving by and saw this!  I'd want to take them all home with me!
Darwin was just a little bigger than a soccer ball!


  1. God can you imagine the puppy breath and the licks... be heaven.. mind you watching over so many little balls of movement would get hectic.

    Doesnt baby pink look good on blue fur. I mostly get that colour but hot pink looks great too. I was just amazed how fast I had to keep buying a bigger collar...

    ps what/who or where is a 'Whistler' :)

  2. Yes, I love the pink on her coloring. Plus I'd like to think it helps people recognize her as a girl dog... though it doesnt always work.
    Whistler is a ski resort in Canada (http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/). Jason took me as a late Christmas gift.
