31 October 2009

{151 days old: the cone of shame}

Day after spay day, Darwin was still so pathetic looking.  Since we were leaving her home unsupervised, we decided it would be safer to put her cone on just in case!  So we put it on, and it was like her kryptonite.

She just sat there with her head down.  I took her outside for her morning potty break and she couldn't even manage to pee with it on.  I had to take it off, and then she could use the bathroom.  
We got back in the house, and put her in the kitchen, and tried to feed her.  She was so sad, she couldn't even stand to eat.

So sad.  We left her with her cone on while we were gone, and promptly took it off when we got home.  She was so relieved.  We monitored her cone-less, and she didn't bother her stiches, so she remained cone free for the remainder of her healing time.
Jason's parents even sent a get well card to her:


  1. It does take a while to get used to those dumb cones. And of course they can get kind of stinky what with a gal like you having slobbers and all.


  2. It's amazing she didn't bother her stitches! I swear she does not seem like a real dog, she is too good!
